eVision visual search technology retrieves images by analyzing their perceptual content image search pattern recognition
query by visual example content search
Visual Search Technology using image analysis and pattern recognition Unleashing the power of visual ebusiness for asset management, search engines, and vertical markets
News Technology & Products Business Solutions Developers About eVision
eVe content-based image retrieval
eVe visual search
eVe image analysis & recognition

ePhoto Version 2.0
eVision's cross platform solution enables consumers to view, store, share and visually search digital photos and digital video. Mac OS X & Windows versions now available.

Seybold Report
Seybold Report reviews visual search
eVision is featured as the leading visual search solution.

State of Java on Mac
eVe as featured Java app for Mac OS X
JavaWorld's "State of Java on the Mac" featured eVe as a premier Java solution running on Mac OS X.

WebWareWebWare integrates eVe into Mambo
WebWare will integrate visual search into Mambo 3.0 Brand Resource Management software.

eVe 3 Professional online demos
Try eVe 3 Professional in three demos using beginner to advanced interfaces.

white paperVisual Search Whitepaper (1.2 MB pdf)
Overview of content-based image search technology.

The business case for Visual Search
The Gistics report on the business case for visual search.

Featured evaluation sites:
Ascential Software
Adobe Systems
Canto Cumulus
Capps Digital
daVinci Software
North Plains Systems
Pazap Net
Piocon Technologies
Windh Media Manager

What is eVe?
The eVision Visual engine (eVe™), enables an intuitive and rapid visual search of product catalogs or databases based on the perceptual content within images or videos


eVision Visual Search Technology

Locating images and video is not an easy task, and when there are many files to search through, sometimes the only way to search through them is visually. Now the next generation eVision technology can do just that - find images and video visually.

eVe Partnerships & Announcements
- WebWare integrates eVe visual search into Brand Resource Management software.
- Blue Scope integrates eVe visual search into marketing effectiveness solution.

- Corbis offers eVe visual search for 60,000 royalty free stock images.

- Canto includes eVe 3 Lite in Cumulus 5 Enterprise edition.

- North Plains Systems offers eVe 3 Pro as option for Telescope enterprise DAM solution.

- MoTech provides worldwide eVe consulting & integration.

- Parabon brings P2P supercomputing speed (1 million images in 2 hours) to visually indexing assets.

Demos and Examples
Interactive online demos
online demosTry 3 demos of the eVe Visual Search Engine using real world datasets. The demos lets you search using textures, colors, shapes and objects rather than just keywords and text. The Advanced Interface demo also features Partial Image Search and enhanced user control.

eVe Technology Overview for Images & Video

Visual Search Technical Whitepaper (1.2 MB pdf)

The business case for Visual Search

What is Partial Image Search?

The art & science to obtaining good visual search results

DevX tutorial on creating visual search applications with eVe

eVe future directions (Flash demo)


 eVe 3 Professional Developer SDK - Evaluation Release Sign-up

- What's new in eVe 3 Pro?
* 100% Java for Win32, Linux Solaris, MacOS X & IRIX
* Support for Oracle indexing
* Enhanced control of Metadata
* Video keyframe extraction

- Getting started with eVe

- eVe Technical FAQ

- eVe API online docs

- Video keyframe code

- eVe Discussion Boards

Business Markets

eVe T-shirts
eVision offers revolutionary visual search technology and as a developer or supporter you can show your industry savvy with an eVe T-Shirt, Mug & Mousepad.
eVe visual search T-Shirt

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