In the next five years, businesses both online and offline will rely more and more on visually rich content to acquire and retain customers and increase the revenue per customer. The "Visual asset management" market is currently estimated at $11 Billion.
Using eVe, creators and users of media can enable their customers to rapidly find the desired target products (for an eBusiness) or assets (for media asset management) using visual media and fewer clicks. Specifically, eVe increases search precision by enabling initiation and search for products based on desired visual features a new paradigm in search technology. eVe enables businesses to:
- generate new revenues through new product and service offerings
- enhance asset value and decrease costs
- increase customer satisfaction.
eVe offers a unique development and integration opportunity to several business markets:
Search Engines
From Portals, to OSs to Auction sites, enabling users to find the right content quickly and easily can significantly increase sales, better expose inventory and save money.
Digital Asset Management Systems
Provide your customers with the ability to rapidly ingest assets, make them available immediately online and search based on image content instead of Text only. eVe allows users to get the right answer first by enabling an intuitive and rapid visual search of product catalogs or databases. Using eVe in a Digital Asset Management System can increase revenues by more than 25% and reduce costs by up to 20% per year.
Content Filtering
Content filtering has recently attracted a lot of attention and is expected to grow by close to 50% per year reaching $636 million world-wide by 2004 eVe's object-based visual search technology enables a method of automatically filtering objectionable images and videos based on their content.
In-house Developers, OEMs & System Integrators The visual search market place is a mutli-billion dollar opportunity for developers, OEMs and systems integrators to create custom solutions for vertical markets
What kind of ROI can specific vertical markets expect using eVe?
