If the predefined categories (Clothes, Jewelry, Medical, Sunsets, and Textures) in the sample application are not sufficient for your needs, you can add your own.
To add a category:
1. Click the New button. The Add Category dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of the new category in the New Category field and click OK. A message window appears confirming that you have added a new category.
3. Click OK. The new category is now selectable from the Category drop-down list.
Once you have added a new category, you will need to add images to it. See the next section for information on how to do this.
You can add your own images to an existing category. When you add an image to a category in the sample application, the system automatically analyzes and indexes it for use with visual search.
To add an image, or a folder of images:
1. Select the category to which you want to add images from the Category drop-down list.
2. Click the Add button. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Use this window to navigate to the image or folder of images you want to add to the category.
4. Select the image or folder you want to add to the category.
5. Click Open. The system analyzes the image or folder of images and will make them available for searching.
Note: When you add an image, the system places a thumbnail copy of the image into the selected category. The original image remains untouched in the source directory.